• Back to Basics: Why You Need Ergonomic Chairs

    Back to Basics: Why You Need Ergonomic Chairs

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    Office chairs, gaming chairs, task chairs—chances are you’ve heard about all of these, at one time or another, in relation to ergonomic equipment. Ergonomic chairs have now become a key element in many offices and home offices, arising due to the growing concerns about people’s work health. This has been brought to the consciousness of many, all thanks to the increasing number of chronic...
  • Standing Desk and Weight Management: Can an Adjustable Desk Help You Lose Weight?

    Standing Desk and Weight Management: Can an Adjustable Desk Help You Lose Weight?

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    Did you know that Canada ranks 12th out of 97 countries when it comes to obesity rate, with 31.3% rating just as of last year, 2023? The recent decades have seen obesity rise to become a serious global concern, and no country seems unaffected. And, it impacts national healthcare, people’s socioeconomic status, and mortality, among others. It is linked to several factors, and among...
  • MotionGrey Feature: Adjustable Dumbbell

    MotionGrey Feature: Adjustable Dumbbell

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    Health and fitness have been a growing topic these days, getting more popular and talked about alongside the equal reality of people’s lives getting busier and busier. It seems that the more fast-paced and the more stressful our lifestyle has become, the more pressing the need to maintain a balanced and healthy life. Is it possible? Here at MotionGrey, we say yes! And with...
  • Office Chair Ergonomics: The Science of Healthy Sitting

    Office Chair Ergonomics: The Science of Healthy Sitting

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    With all the talk concerning the dangers of prolonged sitting, some individuals might find the concept of “healthy sitting” unacceptable or even impossible. So let’s directly ask the question: is sitting healthy? Well, sitting in itself is not unhealthy. Sitting is rest. Sitting is finding a level of physical stability so we can do the tasks we need to do. At the office, especially...
  • Why It's for You: The Key Differentiators of the MotionGrey Standing Desk

    Why It's for You: The Key Differentiators of the MotionGrey Standing Desk

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    People get standing desks for many different reasons. Primarily, most individuals go for an adjustable desk in order to stay motivated to be active, be healthy, and keep moving throughout their workday. Some are suffering from back pain and are hopeful that standing more at work will alleviate the pain. Others, on the other hand, are looking to improve their posture. The good news...
  • The Top Adjustable Standing Desks in the Market

    The Top Adjustable Standing Desks in the Market

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    Sitting all day can wreak havoc on your health. Luckily, the rise of adjustable standing desks allows you to switch between sitting and standing throughout your workday, promoting better posture and increased productivity. However, with so many options in the market, choosing the perfect one can feel overwhelming.  Worry not, fellow warriors! Beating the sedentary lifestyle is possible! In this post, we are taking another...
  • Ergonomic Seating Solutions: A Defense Against Turtleneck Syndrome

    Ergonomic Seating Solutions: A Defense Against Turtleneck Syndrome

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    In our digital era when people are glued to their screens for more and more periods of time, a silent threat emerges: Turtleneck Syndrome, also known as Text Neck Syndrome. Characterized by neck and shoulder pain caused by poor posture, it's a growing concern in today’s world. Fortunately, ergonomic chairs offer an effective solution to address this discomfort and fix turtle neck.  The Role...
  • Tackling Turtleneck Syndrome with Ergonomic Workstations

    Tackling Turtleneck Syndrome with Ergonomic Workstations

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    Have you ever found yourself caught in the grip of turtleneck syndrome? Picture this: you're engrossed in your work, your eyes glued to the screen, but gradually your neck starts to ache and your shoulders tenses up. It's a familiar scenario for many in today's digital age, where screens dictate much of our daily lives. But what exactly is turtleneck syndrome, and how can...
  • How to Clean an Office Chair

    How to Clean an Office Chair

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    Has your ergonomic office chair started to look worn-out even if it is still in good condition with no noticeable damage? Maintenance and upkeep are crucial not only for keeping office chairs looking good but also for protecting them against premature damage. And the good thing is—cleaning an office chair is easy. Depending on the extent of the dirt, dust, or stain on the...
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